Wednesday, November 2, 2011

In The Dark?

Daylight Saving Time expires... and Standard Time resumes... at 2:00 AM on Sunday morning.

It'll be getting dark earlier again and ADT Pulse can help by automatically switching your lights on at preset times or when a particular door opens, so you're never walking into a dark house. Pulse can also switch on your lights when the fire alarm registers a smoky condition so you can see your way to safety in a dark smoky house.

Call me for details on (847) 380-6481

Friday, October 21, 2011

From Around The World And Into Your Home

Are you planning on jetting-off for an extended vacation in exotic Ubetya this winter? You might consider upgrading your current alarm system to ADT's Pulse Interactive Solution. A client of mine, traveling abroad, just e-mailed an unsolicited testimonial for his upgrade to an ADT Pulse Premier system (with a thank you for my help in arranging a tweak to the system since his departure).....

Hi Joe,

Upgrading to ADT Pulse has proved to be both useful and reassuring. The system has functioned problem-free ever since the sensor was tweaked, and for your help with that I want to thank you once again.

It's reassuring to be able to "check-in" on the house without calling neighbors and waiting for replies. Also, minor adjustments --like turning off the AC and switching to the furnace-- takes practically no time, but are tasks that otherwise would require that someone enter the house and do it.

You can count me as somebody who thinks this remote system is especially useful. We'll be back home in January and can catch-up then.

Best wishes,
Bob E.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Real Value In Home Security Systems

I spend most of my working time with my homeowner clients talking about and configuring security systems, and I spend the rest of my working time with our technicians and other colleagues talking about security systems. Add-in the policemen and firefighters, count all the horror stories (and take some with a grain of salt) and I learn a lot from all constituencies. Over the years I've come to realize something that I regularly impart to my clients and, of course, anyone else within earshot... I've learned the real value in home security systems. Can you guess what it is?

I'll bet you can, especially if you're looking at the pictures accompanying this article. Yes, it's monitored fire protection. Why? Because just about all fire victims die from smoke inhalation, and the type of fire protection (ionization alarms) the overwhelming majority of people have in their homes is completely ineffective. It simply won't save you from the type of fire that's most likely to kill you... a slow, smoldering, smoky condition... long before there are flames.

Don't just take my word for it, watch this segment from WTHR-TV News in Indianapolis, then call me and I'll get you the right kind of fire alarm: an ADT-monitored photo-electric smoke detector.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Benefits of Upgrading to ADT Pulse

Now, existing ADT Safewatch Pro 3000 systems can be upgraded to Pulse. Call me today on (847) 380-6481 for details.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Going Green - The Case For Smart Homes

You don't have to watch cable television to be bombarded with the news that oil futures prices have risen to more than $100 a barrel. It's a painfully evident fact that hits home as you drive down the street and pass a gas station, or when you stop in at one to fill-up your car. Gasoline prices in the Chicago area are on the rise, I paid $3.59 a gallon yesterday at a gas station in Northbrook, and it's even more expensive in the city. I'm told that gasoline could reach $4.00 a gallon by Spring and jump as high as $5.00 a gallon by mid-Summer.

The collateral damage caused by the increase in oil prices is that it drives up the cost of other energy sources too: coal, natural gas, etc. Worse, there's not much that an individual can do to stem the rising tide of retail energy prices... or is there?

Going Green has, for the past couple of years, been a great trend, but what can you really do to help conserve energy? Take control of your home!

How? ADT Pulse can help make yours a smart home by integrating energy management with its remote access capabilities. You can monitor and control energy usage via thermostat modules (heating and cooling), lamp modules, light switch modules and appliance modules. ADT's Pulse technology will enable your home's electronics talk to each other, and to you. It unifies them into an integrated network and can be added to almost any electronic device in your house.

Through the ADT Pulse online portal, you're connected to your home in a whole new way. Via secure access from any web-enabled device (iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, computer, etc), you can view secure live video of your home, set-up custom schedules, automate lights and thermostats for energy efficiency and much more. ADT Pulse is more than just remote security - it's smart home automation, climate and light control, and video. And it's affordable, customizable and easy to use.

Call me on (847) 380-6481 to learn how you can join the smart home revolution today, with ADT Pulse.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guess Who's Coming To Visit?

I wonder who's coming to visit? That's what I think to myself when the doorbell rings and I'm not expecting anyone. Of course, if it's a friend, I'm happy to have visitors. The ones I'm most concerned about are those who come around when I'm not home and don't necessarily knock before coming in.

I think everyone's concerned about the unexpected guest, including people who are confident that they can take whatever's (whoever's?) coming at them. Even professional football players, arguably some of the biggest, toughest, maybe orneriest guys around. Last week the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) named ADT Custom Home Services as their preferred security partner.

In my dreams I'd want one of those guys protecting me, now I'm looking forward to protecting them. Call me if you'd like to be protected like a pro, by a pro.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

From The White House To Your House

One of the things we're proud of at ADT is that the vast majority of Fortune 500 companies in the United States have chosen us as their security partner, well over 90% of them in-fact. Similarly, we're proud to have ADT systems at work at CIA headquarters, at Fort Knox, at every major international airport. ADT has systems at work in the White House and in the homes of every federal judge.

Now, in response to the recent tragedy in Tuscon, the House Sergeant at Arms, in conjunction with the U. S. Capitol Police has requested ADT's Custom Home Services division to offer U. S. House of Representatives member's offices and their residences a security survey assessment under the District Security Program, leading (of course) to ADT protection.

From the White House to your congressman's house to your house... ADT - always there.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Basketball Diaries

As a teen you play some basketball on a neighborhood court, you develop some trick moves. You start playing basketball seriously in high school, you're good at it. By the time you're a senior you've caught the eye of some college scouts, you're very good at it. In college you play so well the national press catches on, you're very, very good at it. By the time you start your senior season, some NBA scouts are interested. Before you even graduate, you're drafted. You've grown to be an exceptional basketball player.

The number of players in the NBA varies each year. Each team can carry a maximum of 15 players, but they can carry as few as 12. At any given time the number of players in the NBA ranges from 360 to 450. The best of the best. The beloved. The despised.

As a starter for the Chicago Bulls you've got some fans. They love how you play, they love how you win. Some others, however, don't like the way you beat their team. Your fans love your style. Some others, think you're too big for your britches. Your fans figure out where you live and they start to come around. Some others figure out where you live, and they start to come around, too.

When I was asked recently to protect a celebrity basketball player's home I knew it required a degree of discretion, and I was flattered to get the call. I designed a security program that protects him from his foes and fans alike, but it's really no different than protecting you and your family.

A state-of-the-art security system, including cameras, can be quite affordable. An entry-level ADT Pulse Premiere system is a special value, right now through March 31st. Pro level protection at a neighborhood court price. Call me to learn how to take advantage of this very special offer.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pulse Featured On "Today" On NBC

Tune in during the 8 a.m. hour of the Today Show to catch nationally acclaimed parent expert Alison Rhodes showcasing ADT Pulse to a national audience of several million viewers. The segment will focus on “amazing remote technology” that is helping parents keep kids and teens safe. In addition to ADT Pulse, four other new products will be demonstrated. Check back here later today for a clip of the show.