I spend most of my working time with my homeowner clients talking about and configuring security systems, and I spend the rest of my working time with our technicians and other colleagues talking about security systems. Add-in the policemen and firefighters, count all the horror stories (and take some with a grain of salt) and I learn a lot from all constituencies. Over the years I've come to realize something that I regularly impart to my clients and, of course, anyone else within earshot... I've learned the real value in home security systems. Can you guess what it is?
I'll bet you can, especially if you're looking at the pictures accompanying this article. Yes, it's monitored fire protection. Why? Because just about all fire victims die from smoke inhalation, and the type of fire protection (ionization alarms) the overwhelming majority of people have in their homes is completely ineffective. It simply won't save you from the type of fire that's most likely to kill you... a slow, smoldering, smoky condition... long before there are flames.
Don't just take my word for it, watch this segment from WTHR-TV News in Indianapolis, then call me and I'll get you the right kind of fire alarm: an ADT-monitored photo-electric smoke detector.
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